I can’t begin to express what this experience encompassed and meant for me. It was one of the most heartfelt, eye-opening, soul-soothing, rewarding experiences.

I felt totally safe, welcomed and appreciated in the group. I felt a deep connection with all of the women and related with many of their stories. I was extremely moved and touched throughout the retreat.  We laughed, cried and made the most unforgettable memories to last a lifetime! 

I witnessed first hand that vulnerability is not weakness and that it is the most courageous thing we can do and best means of connecting authenticity with others.

Nikki, I can’t express enough how grateful I am with you for facilitating this incredibly organized, amazing retreat!  You are so patient, kind, caring, approachable, relatable, aware of everything and everyone. I could go on and on, but what I want to express is that I am proud and honoured to be part of this amazing, life-changing empowered group of mentors!

I look forward to creating more memories on The Fit Traveler  Retreats together!


-Sandy P.

I attended the TFT retreat in Aruba and had one of the most memorable weeks of my life! I didn't know anyone going but found all the women there to be so friendly and fun to be around. We had so many fun excursions and exercises but with enough downtime to re-energize and fuel up for more. Nikki had well thought out and planned seminars throughout the week as well that were packed with information and tips for everyone. It was all ages and fitness levels and such a supportive group. I highly recommend taking just one week a year to center and ground yourself with this retreat. You will leave motivated and with a support network.

-Sam R.

Aruba Retreat Photographer

What an enlightening experience on my trip to Aruba with Nikki and the fit traveler.I spent 6 days with 6 remarkable women and it was quite a rush This was Nikki’s first retreat and needless to say she knocked it out of the park. I learned so much about nutrition and commitment to achieving my goals while at the same time had fun in the sun.

This was a group of very strong females and Nikki had planned so many activities for us we never stopped. My goal was to climb the 600 steps to Mt Hooiberg which was very difficult for me but with the encouragement of these women cheering me on made it possible I’m hoping to get in the best shape I can so that I can return next October and do it all again I would recommend a trip with Nikki and the fit traveler wherever she may go She’s the best

-Patty D.

Spending a few days next to nikki and all the girls who were a part of The Fittraveler Retreat. All of them together made this an unique experience. I loved all the activities, there was laughter, sweat, effort, applause and gratification knowing that they all achieved goals, and come back renewed! I live on the island and it was an honor for me to have attended the classes, I love Nikki’s charisma and all the girls I met!! They are fabulous, I look forward to repeating the classes next year, since I’m on the island already!! And secondly, Nikki’s TFT collection is great, and comfortable and the best part is that the most colorful one has the name of one of the most beautiful beaches in Aruba!

-Kelly O.

The TFT Aruba Retreat was incredible! It was more than just a fitness retreat! The workouts were dynamic and enjoyable, but the friendships and bonds formed were even more magical! It was a very warm, supportive and safe environment, and so healing on every level. I left feeling inspired and motivated to continue on my fitness journey with new formed friendships and community! I cant wait for the next retreat!

-Kristi M.